Treatment Center Staff Pages

Treatment Center Staff Pages

Highlighting the People That Make Your Facility Shine

If you made a list of the things that made your recovery center stand out, what would be at the top? Some would say it’s their breakthrough therapy techniques. Some might say it’s their approach to mental health treatment. Others could say it’s the interaction with families or their positive environment.

Not many owners’ first response would be their treatment center staff pages. Let’s reconsider this for a moment.

While all of the more obvious elements of success are correct, there’s one crucial spoke on the wheel that perpetuates the success of all of these elements: your treatment team.

Whether it’s a certain board-certified psychiatrist, your executive team as a whole, your family therapist, or the nursing staff that helps promote long-term recovery through their compassionate care – all of these individuals positively impact your facility environment in a way that’s pivotal to your success.

So how do we pay kudos to these individuals and give them the recognition they deserve? Treatment center staff pages are a great way to add to the content of your mental health and addiction facility website while giving these hard-working team members the recognition they deserve.

So, what’s the best way to set up a page like this, and what goes into it? Keep reading to find out the best outline for your treatment center staff pages, along with what information to include that best describes everything they do for your facility.

Putting Leadership at Your Treatment Center in the Best Light

Highlighting the Leadership of an Addiction Rehab

At any business, it’s important to highlight and recognize the leadership that makes the wheels turn. In the case of your recovery center, the entire team bands together to create a comprehensive experience for your clients – and for this, they deserve recognition.

Besides making your staff feel appreciated, what are the benefits of highlighting your team and their leadership at your addiction treatment facility?

The Clear Benefits of Recognizing Your Recovery Team

  • Gives the outside community a chance to get to know the professionals who make a difference in the community. This is excellent for your brand and helps to boost the culture of your organization as well.
  • It’s a great way for these professionals to add a published page to their portfolio or personal website, adding to the professional environment.
  • When you highlight your staff and frame your team in the right way, it’s an excellent way to give potential clients a boost of confidence, ensuring that you have the right leadership in place to help them recover from addiction.
  • It makes your website look more complete and professional.
  • Finally, it creates a healthier dynamic between you and your team and their leadership. Little things as simple as a team recognition page will boost the morale of your staff and do wonders for the atmosphere of your facility.

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How Do I Create a Team Leadership Recognition Page?

Creating a team leadership, or staff page, takes a little organizational skill and a little creativity. However, it’s much simpler than you think. You can either accomplish this in-house or, for a small investment, contract the job to a team like Ads Up Marketing which really knows how to make staff pages pop and send the right message to the public.

Regardless of what you decide, it’s still your job initially to decide the accolades and information you’d like to include on the page. Building a rough draft helps us decide which way to go with our design, making the project simpler and ensuring a more satisfying finished product.

The list below highlights the basics of creating the hard-workers who help your clients achieve long-term recovery.

What’s in a Headline, Anyway?

You could go with the generic “Staff Page” headliner – but why do that when you can get far more creative? Try to embody your brand or mission in the headline – you can include something like, “Not Just Our Team, but Our Family Members.”

You could also go with something like, “The Most Professional Licensed Staff for Addiction Treatment In Your City.” Try and use something that’s going to grab the attention of your readers and highlight the tremendous job your team and leadership carry out daily.

The right headings can also attract those searching for your team members, a form of SEO for staff pages that shouldn’t be overlooked!

Separate Executive Team Page: To Do or Not to Do?

Some staff pages have two separate sections: One for staff and one for leadership and management. There’s nothing wrong with this – however, if you’re going with more of a family-oriented or team environment at your recovery center, you might want to solely separate based on categories, and put the leadership and management in with their corresponding department.

The Importance of Pictures and Titles in Headings

Pictures and Titles of Team Member

Make sure you get clear headshots of each staff member you post. If they’re leadership, make sure this is clearly included in the title and name beneath their picture. Make sure to be descriptive with their title or role, for example, instead of “psychiatrist” make sure you include “Board-Certified Psychiatrist.”

Just by including simple additions like Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and other designations, visitors get a much better perspective of the professionalism of your operation.

Separating Your Rehab Teams Based On Department

If your facility is of fairly decent size, you’ll want to separate all of your team members based on their department. For example, you can have one section for your therapists where you would highlight your Family Therapist and Behavioral Therapist.

Or, you can opt for a completely different approach and highlight team members who deal directly with families (this would include your family therapist, but also highlight your receptionist, customer service, and admissions team.) It doesn’t necessarily matter how you choose to frame it, just as long as you keep a uniform approach to your groups.

Highlights, Accolades, and Certifications

Make sure you include a list of all the pertinent achievements of each staff member. Be sure to include things like “Licensed Recovery Specialist” or any degrees they’ve earned throughout their lives. Anything from a Bachelor’s to a Ph.D. should be included in their list of achievements.

You can also include the schools where each of your professionals was licensed and certified. This adds a personal touch and allows readers to get to know them.

You can even get a little light-hearted and include a fun fact about the life of any of your professionals. Include a fun hobby or something people wouldn’t otherwise know.

Finally, be sure to include their personal extension so people can directly contact them if needed. At the least, include a number for a voicemail line that they can check. By using this template, your Staff Page can also act as a directory listing for all of your employees.

Look Behind the Scenes on a Treatment Center Staff Page

Sample Treatment Center Staff Page

You can include some random additions to the staff page that add a personal or fun spin on your website. Include some “in-action” photos of your staff at work, or pictures they decided to take together throughout the day.

Rehab staff videos can also be powerful ways of engaging with those looking to find out more about the people behind your treatment center’s day-to-day success.

Ask the staff if they have any photos they’d like to include on the page that might represent them in a way they appreciate. Highlight your doctors doing things outside their normal scope of duty or your nursing team on the ropes course, instead of clients. Making the effort to show your staff as people can make your facility that much more approachable and authentic for potential clients, and be fun for your team to contribute to as well!

Crafting your own page doesn’t take much tech savvy – but getting a professional team to help can really give you that boost of creativity to make your website stand out.

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Get Our Help With Staff Page Design and Much More

At Ads Up Marketing, we’re experienced in all aspects of addiction treatment marketing, from site design to call center training. Not only can we boost any marketing campaign you’re ready to deploy – but we also specialize in the creation of things like Staff Pages and other website content.

Our creative team has decades of experience crafting pages just like this, and really know how to include the intangibles to wow readers and make your staff feel as if you truly went the extra mile.

Show your team how much their hard work really means to you by adding quality content to your website. Contact Ads Up Marketing for a complimentary consultation, and let’s get started today!

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