Addiction Treatment Content Creation

Content Marketing for Your Alcohol and Drug Rehab

Digital marketing entails a large number of different mediums, channels, methods, and avenues. Addiction treatment centers are in constant competition, spending millions on digital marketing agencies to provide them with the latest and greatest strategies to promote the most powerful and effective forms of addiction treatment marketing available.

But what is the most powerful form of digital marketing for addiction treatment centers? Is it paid advertising? And if so, is it PPC, display, native, or other potential ad mediums?

The truth is one of the most powerful strategies for addiction treatment facilities lies in having a powerful addiction treatment content creation strategy. The right content marketing strategy encompasses a plethora of different channels and platforms, in addition to addressing several different facets of addiction for multiple demographics.

So, what makes content marketing for addiction treatment centers such an effective form of digital marketing? We’ll answer this question and more in the next sections.

The Benefits of the Right Digital Marketing

Benefits of Digital Marketing

Assuming your digital marketing plan is deployed correctly, the chances are it’s paying off in the long run. Let’s dive into why content marketing is such a potent part of any digital marketing strategy.

1. The Cost

One of the most important reasons content marketing is so powerful and effective is its overall cost. Among other forms of digital marketing, such as PPC, display advertising, and others, content marketing is by far the least expensive.

Depending on how you choose to attack your content marketing plan, it’s possible it doesn’t cost you a dime. However, as appealing as this sounds – it’s not the best way to deploy your content marketing.

For starters, it’s best to have a team of writers or video producers create your content. This prevents you from being stretched too thin, in addition to giving you the chance to tap into experts. The right content writer, or writers, can make a world of difference. In today’s world that’s heavy with freelancers and small business owners, you can order content for an incredibly modest price without sacrificing quality.

In addition, most of your content will fall under the blog category of your website. This is something that already exists naturally as part of your organization, so it’s not like it costs you any extra money to deploy it.

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2. Wide Reaching

Your content marketing should be wide-reaching and extremely informative. Assuming your SEO strategy is helping you rank articles on Google – you should be reaching a large number of people daily using multiple keywords.

This gives you the ability to spread the word about your facility far and wide, across multiple cities and states. In addition to this widespread reach – the material is ultra-informative.

Addiction treatment centers create articles that are full of facts and vital information regarding recovery and addiction. This means that your audience is well-informed on many different topics, which is extremely important. Anyone that digests your content should feel like they’re obtaining the most value possible from what you’re publishing.

When you combine valuable, educational substance abuse content with the right search engine optimization, your addiction treatment marketing strategy can yield big results for a more effective cost of acquisition.

3. Non-Debatable

Regardless of popular opinion, most of the information you post to your blog in the form of content marketing is 100% fact. Statistics and data don’t lie, making your content marketing pieces highly valuable and you highly reputable.

This leads to bigger rankings, more backlinks, and you being looked at as an authority over time. Most of the information you post from data sources will be considered transparent, which also gives you an excellent reputation for delivering unbiased information.

This further builds on the fact that you’re a go-to for research and answering information that the general public and your future clients have regarding forms of therapy and treatment modalities. Remember, it’s not always future clients reading your content, but their friends and loved ones also.

If trust is established at this level, the odds of them trusting you to recommend you as a service to someone in need increase exponentially.

4. SEO Boost

One of the most significant elements of your blog, or any content that exists within the confines of your website, is search engine optimization. Your content marketing is the driving force behind your SEO results, and in the addiction treatment space, this couldn’t be any more important.

A large portion of your potential and future customers will come from your SEO efforts. SEO makes up the largest traffic driver out of any other means for addiction treatment center websites.

Generally, you’ll experience more significant results from your SEO than you will display advertising, PPC ads, social media marketing, or any other campaign you’ll deploy. However, it’s important to keep a few important elements in mind when optimizing your blog posts and other content for SEO:

  • No keyword stuffing. Be sure to use your keywords in a natural way that flows with the article and is easy for readers to digest.
  • There’s no exact figure, but generally, there is a guideline regarding how many times you use keywords. If it’s a primary keyword, use it once in the opening paragraph, twice in the body, and once in the closing paragraphs. Any supporting keywords can be peppered throughout the content as necessary.
  • Optimize your headers and meta tags for SEO. Your primary keyword(s) should be contained within your H2 and H3 headers. In addition, your Meta Title and Meta Description should also contain at least a variation of your keyword.
  • Don’t forget your alt-description. This is a label that accompanies any graphics you post with your content. It’s essentially a simple description of your photos, but they make a huge difference. These tell search engines what the photos consist of, giving you a boost in your image SEO rankings.

5. Opportunities for Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Because the majority of your content will be long-form and complex, any opportunity to repurpose your content and simplify your process must be considered a huge win. After posting a new article to your blog, it should always be immediately shared on your social media.

However, after it’s been posted for some time, you have a chance to use this same post and repurpose it using several different methods. In the addiction treatment space, repurposing a post doesn’t necessarily mean you just reword the content and share it again. You can use your treatment center content and turn a blog post into:

  • Video content
  • Infographics
  • Podcast material
  • Newsletters
  • and more

6. A Source for Lead Generation

The beautiful thing about a new blog post on your addiction treatment website is the fact that it has the opportunity to act in a variety of different page formats. What do we mean by this?

Besides being a simple blog post, this piece of content can also exist as a landing page. It’s possible to link a blog post to any form of PPC advertising – Google Ads, Native Ads, Display Advertising, or any other form of paid marketing.

These work exceptionally well in the form of Google Ads and Native Advertisements. In addiction treatment marketing, you must make a connection with anyone you’re directly marketing toward.

Using a paid ad to tease the content contained in your blog post is a great way to generate clicks. Once they land on the page, you can use it to write copy about your addiction treatment center and include an opt-in form or contact information. Now you have an efficient page to help generate leads for those seeking treatment.

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7. There’s No Time Limit or Expiration

Technically, any paid advertising you create is finite. Regardless of how long you continue to fund the campaign, eventually, this content has an expiration date. When it comes to addiction treatment content marketing, there are no time limits to how long the content remains visible.

One of the biggest advantages to this dynamic is the fact that you can consistently update your content. Just because you created a blog post last year doesn’t mean it has to sit in the archives with outdated information.

Google loves updated, refreshed content to drive traffic and SEO results. Be sure to update all of your blog posts every 6 months, ensuring the information is relevant and all of your links are still active and working properly. Add a few new pictures, and you’ve just generated a completely new form of content or website copy that’s likely going to rank higher and generate more valuable traffic.

Leveraging Additional Types of Content

Video Content

Your addiction treatment content certainly isn’t limited to blog posts and website pages. Addiction treatment marketing is effective using any medium, and you must leverage this fact to maximize your resources and cater to the largest audience you can reach.

What are some additional forms of content marketing you should focus on?

Video Content

Video content has a powerful effect on your target audience, especially in the mental illness and addiction treatment space. How can you use video content to your advantage and reach potential clients?

  • Create videos of your facilities and post them on social media and your website. This gives your target audience (potential customers) a glimpse into what’s expected at your facility.
  • Besides showcasing treatment facilities, video interviews can be a great way to leverage YouTube and other platforms. Interview past clients or their family members, using them as a testament to the quality of your program.

Press Releases

Press releases are often a forgotten portion of the content development process of a rehab program. However, these news-focused forms of content have an opportunity to reach wider target audiences and end up on reputable news outlets that demonstrate the importance of your facility and help you distribute vital information at a faster rate.

Using these news distribution platforms also gives you an excellent source for obtaining backlinks, as each news website is an opportunity to gain a new link and continue to build your authority.

Tips for Addiction Treatment Content Creation

So what’s the best course of action for creating your content and posting it? There is no right or wrong way, as each facility has its unique formula for brainstorming, creating, writing, and posting each new piece of content. Use the following outline as a general guide for creating your content strategy:


Reserve time for having some type of session where you and your team can brainstorm and develop ideas for your content. First, decide on opportunities for your best target audiences. After gaining a clear picture of who your potential customers are, it becomes much easier to begin developing topics.

Use tools like Google trends to gain insight into the most searched-for topics and review what people are searching for the most. The hotter a topic is, the higher the odds that more people willingly consume the content you’re creating.


Preparing content outline for a website

Create idea clusters that start with a broader topic and branch off into smaller, more focused ideas. The following method is a great way to niche down and create ideas for topics to use for individual blog posts.

The idea is that the broad topics exist as pillar pages, followed by inter-linked, more detailed posts or pages:

  • Primary Topic: The Detox Process
    • Detoxing Options
      • Medical Detox
        • Medical Detox Facilities
        • Pros and Cons of Medical Detox
      • At-Home Detox
        • Dangers of At-Home Detox
    • Withdrawal
      • Heroin Withdrawal
        • Heroin Withdrawal Timeline
        • Remedies to Combat Withdrawal
      • Meth Withdrawal
        • Mental Symptoms of Meth Withdrawal
        • Dangers of Meth Withdrawal

The lowest points on the list would be your articles, while the primary topic is a pillar page. In between, you have the Categories of Detoxing Options and Withdrawal, with Sub-Categories like Heroin Withdrawal and Meth Withdrawal.


Creating your first and second drafts allows you to revise and perfect your content before creating the final version.


After creating your final draft, you’re ready to optimize your content for SEO and visual elements. Make sure all keywords are correctly in place and other on-page SEO elements are. Add appropriate video or graphic content and send it for posting!

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Let Us Create Content that Converts into New Clientele

If you need assistance with your content marketing strategy, Ads Up Marketing has a team of experts that specializes in every step of the creation process. We have individuals who take the reigns during every step of the process.

We’ll help you with everything from brainstorming to finalizing and creating everything from blog posts to video content. If you’re ready to take your content strategy to the next level, contact Ads Up Marketing today!

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