4 Tips for a Drug Rehab Call Center Script that Converts

Drug Rehab Call Center Script that Converts

Turn Leads into Admits with Our Proven Approaches

During any sales transaction, there’s one rule that holds true regardless of your industry, your approach to selling, or any other dynamic: There are only three reasons why a client won’t buy from you/commit to what it is you’re offering.

It’s a hangup with either you, the product, or the money. Assuming you’ve taken all the necessary steps to get to the point of asking for the money, one of those reasons is causing the roadblock if they turn you down.

Luckily for you, sticking to a solid drug rehab call center script can help you overcome these challenges and turn nos into conversions. None of these methods are fancy – anybody can perform them effectively. They’re taken from the same playbook we’ve used to teach countless numbers of clients throughout the years.

If you’re having difficulties getting clients to commit to your substance abuse treatment center, use the following script to increase your conversions. You can even hand this out to the people who work the phones at your addiction treatment center and have them use it to combat rebuttals as they happen in real-time.

No matter your difficulties in converting callers to admissions, Ads Up Marketing is here to help assist with proven strategies for rehab centers!

Drug Rehab Call Center Script: Our Top Four Rebuttals

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Client Interaction

During your phone interactions with potential clients for your addiction treatment center, many will shy away when it’s time to pull the trigger. This is natural – it’s a scary move to make and they’re likely financially unstable – there’s a lot of unknowns and you’re asking them to take a leap of faith. Use these rebuttals to help keep your conversions up by saying the right things at the right times:

1. I can’t leave my job

This is a common objection from clients thinking about addiction treatment. The reality is, most legit organizations allow medical leave or some form of compassionate time off for situations dealing with drug or alcohol addiction treatment. What the client is really saying is that they’re nervous about having a job when they come back, and they’re just not aware of their options.

Your response should be:

Sir/ma’am, I understand how frightening it can be even thinking about taking a 30-day leave or longer from your career – nobody wants to be insecure about their financial situation or the possibility of retaining employment after drug or alcohol treatment. And the good news is – you don’t have to deal with those uncertainties. Your job likely offers some form of compassionate leave for your situation. If you’d like, we can provide any necessary documentation to ensure you’re eligible. If not, the FMLA and EAP programs offer protection for people just like you. These programs guarantee your position is secure when you exit any of our treatment centers. You just have to meet the following requirements.

Inform them that:


  • Have worked for the same company for at least 12 months in total
  • Have worked at least 1,250 hours in the past year, and you
  • Work for a company with at least 50 employees who work within 75 miles of your work site.


  • Take a total of 12 weeks off work without pay.
  • Keep any health insurance coverage you had during the time you are off.
  • Get your old job back, or an equivalent position with equal pay, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment following FMLA leave.

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2. I have an assistive animal or beloved pet

This is another common objection used by those seeking individualized treatment for substance use disorders. In the back of many of these potential clients’ minds, they’re aware that there is a workaround for their situations.

However, drug addiction plays mental tricks, and they’ll use whatever they can to attempt to legitimize not going to treatment – even if they feel they really want to get sober. This is when it becomes your job to reassure them and reply with the right information.

Your response should be:

I can completely relate – I’m an animal lover myself. Is your pet registered officially as a service animal with paperwork from your physician? Did you know that it’s illegal for any business to turn you down if you have a support animal as recommended by your doctor? If you don’t have a letter from your physician – do not worry, (either inform them you are a pet-friendly facility or you can point them in the direction of one).

3. My wife or partner can’t be alone

My wife or partner can't be alone

This is one of the primary blockers used for those who are in denial of the need for addiction treatment. This is when understanding whether their spouse has challenges with drug or alcohol abuse, or plans on joining them in their recovery journey.

Since the issue of family members being supportive is critical anyway, you can ask this question without being offensive, and put their fears to rest.

Your response should be:

Will your wife or partner be acting as a support pillar during recovery or will they be joining you on your pathway to recovery? (wait for response) Oh, that’s great you guys have both made this decision to enter recovery. I’m sure you’ll be a great source of support for one another. Well, I’m happy to inform you that our facility offers couples rehab, and specializes in providing a comfortable environment for partners and spouses looking for a safe haven from the temptations of drug use. Our trained professionals can explain more – but you guys wouldn’t have to be away from one another, and you’d both receive top-notch care so you can heal together.

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4. I can’t commit to 30 days

This is usually just a classic case of the client having genuine anxiety or fear about stopping their drug use. You have to keep in mind that people suffering from addiction or abuse disorder have found solace in their suffering.

It’s a miserable life to live, but they’ve gotten comfortable with their routine. At this, their addiction may be the only constant thing they have in their lives, and it’s important you understand the gravity of their situation.

Your rehab call center team should be comfortable handling this situation quite well, as this is a common way of deflection for many potential clients.

Your Response Should be:

There’s nothing forcing you to commit to 30 days – that’s the best part of our program. In fact, most of our clients have the same challenges you have – they can’t make the 30-day commitment, and that’s completely understandable. That’s why we have outpatient services, partial hospitalization, and intensive outpatient. You can start with one of these less-demanding programs, and you’re always able to upgrade back to inpatient care – BUT ONLY IF YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE.

Going Beyond the Script: Empathy in Treatment Center Call Centers

Drug Rehab Call Center Script - Receptionist talking on phone

Regardless of the situation – it’s important to let the client know you’re on their side and you’re putting their best interests at heart. Those seeking treatment are usually nervous, and scared, and they can be extremely flighty. It’s also possible they’ve suffered immense trauma during the course of their addiction so it’s difficult for them to trust anybody.

Aside from using these as scripts – always keep one thing in mind: It’s not always what you say, but how you say it. Use the right tones in your voice, emphasize certain words, and stress important points that you want to drive home. Relate to them and make them feel like you’re a friend they can trust – because ultimately, that’s what your goal should be.

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Reach Out Now to Drive Improved Call Center Results

If you want more information about how we can assist you to boost your conversion rates, client relations, or marketing campaigns, contact Ads Up Marketing, and let’s start putting together a strategic plan.

From answering service and IVR assistance, to chat design and implementation, and even overflow call handling, our dedicated call center team can help drive your success.

Contact us now for a complimentary consultation, and learn how we can improve your calls and admission numbers today!

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