Rehab Newsletter: Ownership Essentials

Rehab Newsletter

Monthly Updates on the News that Matters

At Ads Up Marketing, our goal is, and always has been, to provide quality treatment facilities with effective support. We are also proud to be a point of contact for new clients looking to enter recovery. We provide both facilities and their clients with the latest news and strategies to make the overall rehab and aftercare experience more effective and lasting.

Since our inception, we’ve worked tirelessly to provide articles and other information to provide support for potential clients, shining a light on local facilities and organizations that host the services they need. This has proven invaluable in helping those in need find the proper avenues of treatment and is even more valuable for the people in charge at the recovery centers.

Keep reading to find out more about why signing up for our rehab newsletter (and our tips on writing your own) can help you keep your census full!

Most People Don’t Take Advantage of Sign Up Options

Advantage of Sign Up Options

One thing that we have discovered through our consistent publishing of new articles and ideas is the fact that regardless of how much we’ve been able to support efforts focused on SEO and readers with high search intent, there was still a step missing in the list of things we’re able to offer.

Moving forward, we will provide a newsletter centered on addiction, giving those interested in treatment another option for remaining up to date on news and ideas related to the recovery and treatment industry.

Easy Form Sign-Up for Those Interested

For those clients interested in receiving the newsletter, a simple sign-up is all that’s required. In doing this, they’ll receive the latest news regarding addiction and treatment options directly in their inbox. Having something as simple as a newsletter is an extremely helpful tool for remaining in contact with potential clients who have yet to make a final decision regarding treatment.

Rarely do first-time participants interested in treatment pull the trigger the first time they discover the website of any rehab organization. Just like with any other big decision made online or otherwise, they first must determine vital information along their recovery journey, and this often takes time.

Keeping Potential Clients Open and Interested

By nurturing these potential clients, you can expect to have higher enrollment rates just by adding a simple sign-up form to your website. We believe a newsletter to be an extremely powerful tool in the field of addiction treatment services, helping clients and organizations alike learn how to stay in contact with one another to forge a relationship that’s mutually beneficial for both parties.

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Deploy Your Own Recovery Newsletter and Sign Up Strategy

Did you know that you could easily deploy your own sign-up strategy? Creating a newsletter focused on addiction and recovery and other areas of importance in the life of those seeking assistance is the best way to foster a relationship with new clients and maintain a way for old clients to check up on the current state of your program.

Many clients who once dealt with a substance abuse issue become sober; one of the best ways for them to maintain a positive balance in life and stay successful in recovery is by referring those in need to a facility that specializes in addiction, providing them with a way to offer hope for those in need.

5 Tips for Keeping Your Treatment Center Top of Mind

Addiction Rehab Newsletter

Offering an easy sign-up option on your website to place them on your newsletter list is another excellent way of helping past clients feel they’re playing an instrumental role in helping others find recovery.

This could also potentially be woven into your alumni program or any type of post-addiction treatment activity you provide for former clients to help achieve lasting recovery.

If you’re interested in creating your own newsletter, your treatment center staff can easily follow the simple steps we’ve listed below to help incorporate email as a more instrumental part of your marketing efforts.

Follow the instructions below, starting with step 1, to help you deploy your strategy.

1. Creating Your Addiction Recovery News Articles

Before you begin the process of actually catching emails (if you don’t already), the first thing you need to do is create some content for your newsletters. This is usually pretty easy, as many facilities find newsletters a great way to repurpose old content that might have been more popular – or maybe something that people read in the past and have expressed interest in receiving more information about.

Find Topics Across the Country and Make them Local

Alternatively, you can look up current news regarding addiction and recovery, sorting through stories by date. Craft simple newsletters around these articles to include in your email list.

Make sure you use the correct ‘shortcode’ in the proper fields of the newsletter to keep your style consistent and updated, such as style templates and publication dates. Assuming you’re using a modern program that helps you deploy email strategy, as you’re able to add a personal touch when you send each copy to anyone who signs up for your newsletter, these shortcodes will help you include the readers’ names and other personal info without typing it manually.

Touch on different ‘pain points’ that would resonate with your readers. Always be sure to include a way for them to unsubscribe at the bottom of each newsletter.

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2. Create a Way to Catch Email Addresses

You might already have a way to obtain an email address from a client on your website, but you’re just not leveraging the power of a newsletter. If not, you need a simple way to obtain a client’s current email information, which typically consists of their name and email address.

Create a simple form advertising your newsletter. This can include a simple prompt that reads something like,

“Get additional help for a sound mind and body delivered to your inbox today! To get started, enter your information and check the box to subscribe to our newsletter. You’ll receive tips and current information each time you open your email!”

3. Automate The Process

Set up a specific date rotation for how often you’d like to send out the newsletter. A good general rule of thumb is typically once or twice monthly. You don’t want to overload them with too much content or take away from the primary focus of the content, which should be on your website.

4. Keeping Lines of Communication Open

Besides using your newsletter as a way to communicate new information to your prospects and current clients, it’s also the perfect way to keep those close to your program up to date with industry news and advances made in the field of substance abuse recovery; you can include all new events surrounding your facility specifically.

Opening with a quote on recovery or sobriety can also be helpful, as an attention-grabbing element that also sets the tone well.

5. Mentioning Alumni Events

addiction Alumni Events

Are you holding any type of alumni event? Any additions to your program you want to let people know about? Maybe you changed the date of your family group night, and you’d like to let everyone know. This not only updates current members and those outside of treatment but also demonstrates to potential new clients that you have great aftercare programs for them to participate in.

Promoting Holidays and Community involvement in Treatment

The same goes for events planned around the holidays, to show that your staff and center embrace the connections made in recovery and during treatment itself. This can encourage potential clients who may have been wavering in their commitment to attend your facility.

Finally, if your organization does good in your community: make it known! Beyond the positive press coverage, it can help clients and their loved ones know your rehab is making an effort to improve lives locally.

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A Powerful Tool to Drive Results

Taking advantage of a simple strategy like the one described above can be a powerful new tool that helps your organization provide vital information to clients of old and potential newcomers.

For more on helpful tools and strategies like this, we encourage you to sign up for our monthly newsletter from Ads Up Marketing for facility owners just like you. You’ll get helpful tips on best practices for reaching your target audience, along with the latest in substance abuse treatment marketing, to keep you up-to-date and ahead of the curve.

If a newsletter is not immediate enough, or you need actionable advice and assistance now, feel free to reach out for a complimentary consultation. Our team is ready and waiting to help take your treatment center marketing up a notch, or several, today!

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