Optimizing Drug Rehab Landing Pages

Drug Rehab Landing Pages

Driving More Clicks, Calls, and Conversions for Your Facilities

Picture the following scenario comparing two substance abuse treatment centers:

Treatment Center A spends a marginal amount of their budget on cutting-edge therapy and top-notch staff. However, a sizable percentage of revenue is funneled into digital marketing, social media, their main website, and well-done drug rehab landing pages for their campaigns.

Treatment Center B allocates a great deal of the budget to staff, enhanced facilities, nutrition options, and breakthrough treatment remedies. Their substance abuse treatment marketing usually receives the lowest amount of funding.

The same client discovers both facilities during one search. Although Treatment Center B is probably the better option, the effort put into effective marketing nets Treatment Center A the business of this client.

The good news is that you don’t have to throw all your revenue at landing pages and digital marketing for your rehab to be successful. Some simple changes and working with the right team can make all the difference in the world.

Follow along with Ads Up Marketing as we demonstrate why the right approaches to alcohol and drug rehab landing pages can change your bottom line overnight.

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Balancing Your Marketing Revenue to Perform

Without balancing your budget on both expertly trained staff members AND high-impact landing pages, you’ll find difficulty staying relevant in an increasingly competitive industry.

This isn’t to say go spending large on landing pages and ignore the pertinent sectors of your treatment center operations. You should absolutely strive for the best team money can buy. BUT – just make sure there’s a budget left over for your marketing plan.

Your Drug Rehab Landing Pages: Why It Matters

Importance of Drug Rehab Landing Page

Just to be clear, let’s first go over the concrete definition of what a landing page actually is. You have your website, which consists of a plethora of potential pages for visitors to navigate to. Depending on what their search terms are and your facility’s SEO presence, this could be a number of different articles, pages, etc.

A landing page is generally created to handle a specific, and inflated flow of traffic for the purpose of getting potential clients to sign up for an offer, create a conversion, or harvest information. The traffic is normally sourced from either paid advertising, targeted social media posts, and even backlinks through guest posts on other websites.

So, how does this play into your digital marketing for your rehab, and how can you optimize your drug rehab landing page?

Putting Your Shining Points On Your Landing Pages

Consider the entire spectrum of your rehab facility. Is there one bright point that stands out that you want potential clients to know about? Maybe you have a specific sector of your staff that gets rave reviews or is well-known in the industry. Or maybe you’re deploying some ultra-modern form of treatment that nobody has experimented with on a grand scale.

Or, it could be something as simple as highlighting professional photos of your staff and facility – or even some type of limited offer you’re using to generate new clients.

Whatever the case is – this is the content you want front and center on your landing page. For all intents and purposes, your landing page should exist to warrant some type of action from your readers.

Like we said before, usually your landing page leads to:

  • Clients submitting their information
  • A request for more information
  • A phone call
  • Signing up for an offer

And ultimately, all of these lead to a conversion. So how can you craft your landing page and make it stand out from the crowd?

Optimizing Your Treatment Center Landing Page

Optimizing Rehab Landing Page for Better Result

Your landing page should consist of a few simple (but important elements). Special emphasis should always be placed on the following:

Uniform Look

Your landing page should always match the creative where readers clicked the link to end up on the landing page. This means any ad you placed, or social media post you made with a link to your landing page – the colors, the theme – everything about the landing page should match the creative that sent future clients to this page.

It looks professional, it makes things click subconsciously – and it just garners results. At the core, it’s keeping your clients in a rhythm of uniformity that helps them maintain a linear destination towards your desired action.

Dynamic Look

Besides a uniform look, you also want a dynamic look. What do we mean by this? It doesn’t mean creating a tacky page with big attention grabbing letters. However, everything should be strategically placed to guide the reader toward the exact message you want them to see on your landing page. Are you offering some type of promotion? Do you want them to dial a certain number to reach your call center?

Use content framing to draw their eyes to the exact location on the page where you want them to take action. This can be done through borders, bolded text, larger text, contrasting colors, asking questions, and even using directional arrows.

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It Must Be Interesting/Engaging

Your landing page should be interesting and engaging. It should create some type of value – or in other words, give readers a reason to be there. What is going to make them take action?

What’s different about that page than the other hundreds of resources they can find on your website? This is why we save our best content – our most engaging articles, our best photos, our most amazing offers, our most touching videos – for our landing pages.

The human attention span is measured in nano-seconds, and you literally have less than a split second to capture their attention and keep them moving toward your desired action.

The following list demonstrates examples of terrible landing page layouts – and what changes were made to correct the issue:

Frontier Communications:

Bad Example

Suitable Alternative

Loup Car Shipping:

Bad Example

The Solution

Take note of how the second examples are much tighter – the eyes don’t wander as much, and as a result, avoids the potential for reader confusion.

Short and Sweet

Short and Sweet Landing Page

You don’t want to overwhelm your readers with bulky blocks of content on a landing page. Typically a clicker won’t be there long enough to read something long-form, as attention must be grabbed first and kept. Keep the content short and sweet without overwhelming them.

If your content is too long, you run the risk of losing them among the sea of words on your landing page.

All of these are changes that can literally take place overnight. But the most actionable step you can take is leaving the landing page design to a team of veteran professionals.

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Launch Your Digital Marketing Performance with Ads Up

At Ads Up Marketing, we have decades of combined experience in the digital marketing world. Things like landing pages are our specialty. We can help you craft that perfect landing page that grabs attention, creates rapport, and puts you at eye level with potential clients.

Let’s talk about your digital marketing and content creation plan – contact us today so we can get started with a complimentary and confidential consultation.

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