Drug Rehab Call Center

Optimizing Each Call to Your Facility

As drug abuse cases have steadily increased, the business of addiction treatment has also ramped up. Where there is demand, there will be supply, and there’s no shortage of healthcare facilities aimed toward addiction treatment for drugs, alcohol, mental health, or a combination of all three.

And while one would assume that more substance use and clients entering rehab via outpatient services, inpatient, and other levels of patient care equates to easier and steadier business – this isn’t the case. You may already know calls don’t happen by chance at a drug rehab call center these days.

In the past, it was almost guaranteed that every treatment facility available had a waiting list. A person seeking rehab made a couple of calls, located the facility with the shortest amount of waiting for treatment, and that was it. Finish the insurance verification, and wait for someone to contact you.

As a facility owner, you may know this is no longer the case. Many wonderful facilities suffer from half-full occupancy or even go out of business entirely. This does not have to be your reality, and with our help, it never will be.

Keep reading to get the official Ads Up Marketing guide to running an efficient call center, one that makes the most of each call and helps keep your census full!

A Glut of Addiction Treatment Facilities

Addiction Treatment Facilities

In the old days, sometimes a person seeking treatment would be waiting for a phone call for weeks and months. However, as the regularity of substance use disorders steadily increased and addiction became an epidemic, families and those suffering from addiction lobbied for support.

More facilities began opening that helped patients conquer addiction, and slowly but surely, more options for recovery emerged. And while the explosion of rehab treatment options, while good for patients, has made the process of acquiring business for a facility more difficult.

The competition is fierce, and as you can imagine, patients are ‘brokered’ and used in rehab and insurance scams – so the risk of entering certain rehab treatment facilities is a reality. This has made certain patients – and even insurance companies, reluctant about rehabs as a whole.

With the industry becoming such a competitive environment, many organizations believe the risk outweighs the benefits, as the sheer number of treatment facilities is too difficult to contend with. Some owners have found that saturation has made it difficult to keep their treatment centers afloat.

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Resources You Can Connect With (and Depend On)

Here’s a simple truth: the industry is not too saturated to keep a treatment service open and even thriving. It just requires some ingenuity these days. You can’t operate a service like you did 20 years ago and expect to get positive results, modern day clients expect a different approach.

Gone are the days when you could just sit by the phone and wait for patient calls to fill backlogs all day – the modern rehab patient has too many options. When you’re having a difficult time generating calls to your treatment center, you need to be responsible and make a choice to become proactive in marketing for your recovery center.

Did you know companies exist that can help your team become more efficient in operating your call center? They give you the opportunity to speak with experts regarding your call center process, handling insurance verification and eligibility issues, and PPC campaigns to advertise your treatment center.

How Call Center Agents Impact Your Treatment Center

Call Center Agents at a drug rehab call center

Ads Up Marketing can help with your patient acquisition process by providing training for the team in your call center, and improving your entire process of fielding calls, obtaining referrals, and other ways to improve your detox center. Our dedicated experts offer insight and assistance with the following services:

Audit Programs for a Drug Rehab Call Center

The first step is to audit the way you handle calls. If call centers don’t operate efficiently, it’s going to be difficult for any inpatient drug rehab or other programs to properly handle leads and assist new clients in finding the counseling they need.

Before moving forward, you must ensure that callers receive a proper answer for any inquiries they have, including questions about services, diagnosis issues, concerns about the community, life at your drug rehab, and general admissions questions.

Once this process is handled and callers can receive a proper answer, we can work on other calling challenges like leads and the responsibilities of your employees regarding the admissions process.

PPC Management

Is your drug rehab using PPC ads to gain new admissions and advertise your services? Most rehab centers use some form of PPC to generate many clients interested in their services.

However, your PPC campaigns must be set up properly to generate the number of calls you need from prospective clients. If your PPC ads aren’t yielding calls, then what’s the point?

Training Call Center Staff

Training Call Center Staff

Our experts can help your company bring new life back to your program with a committed training program designed to help immediately.

Your staff will be encouraged by our effective strategies that teach them how to take the lead on client acquisition, customer service calls, and even explaining HMO vs PPO insurance network benefits during calls with clients.

Our rebuttal videos alone can help you convert the kinds of callers who have hung up in the past and have them admitting rather than continuing to search for other options.

Drug Rehab Call Center Management Training

Training call center agents are only a portion of the battle. We can help turn your employees around, but what is the long-term solution after your time with us is over? That’s exactly why we offer training for your marketing or call center management.

It takes an efficient leader to organize and deploy successful campaigns that warrant the results you need to stay competitive. We can help your leaders in all the needed categories to ensure they operate and continuously optimize an efficient team. From call center script supervision and refinement, to overflow handling and much more, our team can assist and augment your existing efforts.

If you need help in any of the following areas, Ads Up Marketing can help:

Decades of Experience in Addiction Treatment

Ads Up Marketing offers training, PPC management, and call center audit programs to enhance your results and make each call count!

In the current state of substance abuse facilities and the amount of competition that exists in the industry, it’s difficult to maintain your efforts without calling in the assistance of an expert.

Ads Up Marketing has decades of experience in the substance use recovery industry and has helped countless facilities and owners harness and capture the brand voice they’ve been looking for. We’ll help you ensure that you’re marketing to the right demographic and make the adjustments you need to send the right message that aligns with your brand and the services you provide.

In many cases, we’ve found that the solution to most organizations’ challenges was fixed with a few simple adjustments to their customer acquisition process or small changes to their marketing efforts. Contact Ads Up Marketing today, and we’ll set you up with an audit of your marketing strategy – including looking at your website and other important focus areas.

Optimizing Your Web Presence and Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile

An important way of keeping a steady stream of potential new admits is to make your facility as visible as possible insofar as Google is concerned. You may already know the importance of organic search and having your program appear alongside the right keywords.

In addition to making sure each keyword (and every word for that matter) on your website achieves maximum impact, there is another important way of driving calls to your rehab. Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business) can create a major difference, particularly in attracting local clients and calls.

With the help of our complimentary audit, you can learn several ways to sharpen your GBP and make sure it is attracting the most positive attention possible. While organic search can take weeks and months to show results, our expert team will provide advice on your business profile that can attract new callers within days or even hours!

Find New Clients and Keep a Full Census

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An Action Plan for Keeping Your Census Full

With a solid foundation of analysis, we’ll begin to compile data to come up with a customized solution for your company. We’ll coach your team on how to conduct this research and train them on properly dealing with challenges in your call center, and how to make the most out of your leads.

By the time we’re done assisting your team, you’ll notice a marked difference in your strategy and can easily apply what you’ve learned going forward. If you’re ready to optimize your call center process and marketing efforts, contact Ads Up Marketing today!

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